Dear Residents
It was another historic day for the residents in SS19/1 with the successfully launched of the ‘Health and Gotong Royong Day’ on the 5th December 2009. This event which was organised by the SS19/1 Residents’ Association with the cooperation from MPSJ Councillior for Zone 1 and ADUN Subang Jaya. About 100 residents attended the event which was held at the SS19/1G playground.
Residents were awaked in the early morning by sound of music and hypes of activities on the playground and its surrounding area. Huge skylift and rubbish collection lorries from Alam Flora and MPSJ were seen parking around the playground area.

The programme kick-off with a morning exercise intended to inculcate healthy living habit amongst the residents. Residents have gathered as early as 7.15am to participate in the exercise where they were introduced to the Qigong exercise and taught its significant movements and benefits. One of the Qigong participants was an 83 years old lady which has been practising Qigong for the past 10 years and still looks strong and healthy. Residents were then introduced to another set of exercise in the form of Line Dance. Melody of old dance songs then vibrated the surrounding area as residents’ practised the Line Dance movement to the tune of its music.

In her opening remark, Madam Theresa Ratnam Thong, MPSJ Councillor for Zone 1 reiterated the important of gotong royong, one way where residents can contribute and participate in the cleanness of the surrounding neighbourhood. Dr Roslan Mohamed Hussin, Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Bahagian Vektor & Kacauganggu, Jabatan Kesihatan MPSJ later briefed the residents on the awareness of Dengue disease and the life cycle of Aedes mosquitoes.

For the Gotong Royong, the residents were divided into several groups each given separate task such as collecting rubbish, trees pruning and walkabout activities. Madam Theresa, Dr. Roslan, MPSJ staffs and residents walked around the neighbourhood distributing pamphlets on Dengue prevention and inspecting houses for any signs of Aedes larvae. While there is still no Dengue cases reported in SS19/1 Subang Jaya thus far, the inspection revealed an alarming result. During the brief inspection, nearly half of houses inspected were found to have some traces of suspected Aedes larvae. Samples were taken and notices were given to the house owners and if the test on the sample confirms its Aedes larvae, the house owner will be fine RM100 by MPSJ for breeding Aedes mosquitoes.
The event was concluded at noon with YB Hannah Yeoh gives her closing remark, where she too reiterated the important of cleanness amongst the residents and the important of organising Gotong Royong. The residents were then served with light refreshment courtesy from JKP Zone 1 and contribution from the residents.
The event was concluded at noon with YB Hannah Yeoh gives her closing remark, where she too reiterated the important of cleanness amongst the residents and the important of organising Gotong Royong. The residents were then served with light refreshment courtesy from JKP Zone 1 and contribution from the residents.