Saturday, August 29, 2009


Dear Residents

We sincerest wish to all Malaysians “HAPPY 52nd MERDEKA DAY” and May we continue live happily and peacefully together as One nation One Malaysia for many years to come. We should appreciate the sacrifice our forefathers had made and overcame the struggled for our Independence without regards to race or religion.

As wrote by Garry Gamble in ‘Remembering our first Independence Day’ on 4th of July 2009, It is only that when we recalled the past that we best see our way into the uncertain future. It is in remembering what happened and why it happened that we rediscover the guiding principles by which our lives should be governed.

Let our children and next generation be taught the lesson of a brave and earnest loyalty to our country ‘Malaysia’ and to each other without differentiating race and religion. In the spirit of ‘Merdeka’ in this still young nation, we should work together as one nation and with one pride. Let strife and rivalry exist only in enterprises for the public good.

May God continue to bless Malaysia!


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