Monday, September 28, 2009
Incident Free Festive Season
I wish to welcome back all our members who have been away during the festive season. While we are all away our security provider has been working very hard to ensure safety in our houses. I am glad to see that this festive season has been incident free in our community. I am sure for those members who have been away will be surprised to see bundles of papers in their letter boxes. The longer you are away more papers will be stuffed. These papers are status reports filed by our security provider. So next time while you are away please leave the balik kampong form at the guard houses and the same "balik kampong service" will be provided. I wish to emphasize that this service is only to those who have subscribe to our security protocol.
It is sad that there are residents who do not subscribe to our security protocol expect the same service to be provided to them. (They also leave the balik kampong form at the guard houses). I have informed the security provider not to entertain these people. They just want a free ride at the expense of others. For those of you who have not subscribe to the security protocol or have not paid the Aug-Oct subscription please make the necessary payment. By doing so you will have the peace of mind when you are away.
Let us all make SS 19/1 a better place to stay.
Mohamad Noh Samik
Pertubuhan Penduduk Jalan SS 19/1
Subang Jaya
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wishing Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri
Finally, drive safely on the road and have a safe journey.

Balik Kampung - Rumah Selamat" is a joint security campaign initiated by SJ Alert with the various Residents' Associations and the Subang Jaya District Police for residents of USJ/SJ/Putra Heights/Bandar Sunway.
This is a "FREE Service" extended by the Police to those who are planning to "Balik Kampung" or go away on short vacation/holidays during the forthcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive period.
All you have to do is to register using our specially-printed "Balik Kampung" forms (available at your friendly Neighbourhood Balai Polis), use the form available in this month's SJ Echo or register on-line at to get the Police to keep an eye over your unoccupied home.
Kindly note that this "FREE Service" is available to all residents living in SJ/USJ/Putra Heights/Bandar Sunway, regardless of whether they are SJ Alert Members. There are no charges for this "Free Service"
So please tell your neighbours and friends about the Balik Kampung - Rumah Selamat campaign.
Monday, September 14, 2009
More News On The AGM

Dear Residents

It was also a nostalgic moment for the Pro Tem Committees and the residents of SS19/1 as it was at the same place where the first residents meeting was held on 11st January 2009 to discuss the security issues in SS19/1 and the proposal to form SS19/1 Residents Association. After nearly 8 months, all the hard worked and dedication by the Pro Tem Committees with the support and understanding from the residents, the efforts pays off and now SS19/1 can be proud that we have a legally formed residents association while residents in other location are still struggling to form one. Even critics within our residents then gave the Pro Tem Committees and its security protocol a survival life span of only three months while others skeptic said they will only participate after the formation of the proper RA. But then majority of the residents believed, committed and entrusted the Pro tem committee with these mammoth tasks and today we and they can feels validated.
It will not be complete without mentioning the dedication of some of the residents who have contributed so much for the benefits of the whole residents. I on behalf of the Pro Tem committees would like to thanks Ms. Penny who have worked tirelessly through the duration since the start of security protocol, encouraging residents to join the security protocol and at time she herself has to endures numerous complains and set back. I would also like to thanks Mr. James Ding who have helped and advised the committees on numerous legal issues pertaining to the formation of the RA as well as on the security protocol. There also others who have helped directly and indirectly giving advises and inputs to the formation of the RA and the implementation of the security protocol. Word of appreciations and thanks should also be given to Chief Inspektor Tuan Sulaiman Baputty and Sub Inspektor Tuan Haji Ariffin Abu Seman from Balai Polis Subang Jaya for their support and keeping us update on general security condition in Subang Jaya.
Balik Kampung Form
In 5 days time the festive season of Hari Raya Aidil Fitry will start and as usual many of us will be going back to our kampung. For those who are members of security protocol of SS 19/1 who will be away during the festive season please notify our security prThovider. This can be done by filling the Balik Kampung Form available at all the guard posts. Send the duly completed form to the nearest guard post. This is to facilitate the security provider in providing security services while you are away. This is only for those who are members of security protocol.
Mohamad Noh Samik
Pertubuhan Penduduk Jalan SS 19/1
Subang Jaya
First Annual General Meeting Of Pertubuhan Penduduk Jalan SS 19/1 Subang Jaya
The First AGM of Pertubuhan Penduduk Jalan SS 19/11 was successfully held at 2.45 pm on 13th Sept 2009. It was attended by 54 residents of SS 19/1. The Protem committee was expecting more to come for the meeting. Nevertheless the cor um for the AGM was met. The cor um needs 2 x Committee Members (28). The constitution of the Pertubuhan was presented and approved by the floor. The following were elected at the AGM to hold various positions in the Pertubuhan:
Haji Radin Nasirudin Bin Hj Munir - Yang Di Pertua
Mr Chin Fook Khiang
En Mohamad Noh Samik - Setiausaha
En Musadeq Bin Sulaiman -
Ahli Jawatankuasa
En Effandie
Mr Foo Ah Long
Mr Koshy Thomas
Mr Lau Eng Dian
Mr Lee Yew Pern
Haji Mohd Fuad Abdullah
Haji Pauzi Sulaiman
Mr Suresh Kumar
Mr Tan Teng Yoke
Other residents elected as wakil Jalan are Ms Penny Cheah (1G) and Hong Eu Jin (1B).
Pemeriksa kira are:
Mr Jeremie Ting
Mr Chan Chee Yuen
Trustees Of the Pertubuhan Are:
En Shahrein Zainal Abidin
Mr Mailvaganau Pillai
Major (Rtd) Goh Teik Huat
I would like to congratulate all the office bearers for being elected and looking forward to working with them. We have challenging times ahead in making SS 19/1 a better place to live.
Mohamad Noh Samik
Pertubuhan Penduduk Jalan SS 19/1
Subang Jaya
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Breaking Fast With ADUN

In her short speech, YB Hannah Yeoh said for the month of Ramadan, she is contributing RM1,000-00 to each Surau around Subang Jaya in additional of RM2,000-00 annual allocations. In respond to the request made by Tuan Haji Radin, the Residents Association Pro Tem Chairman on issue of fencing, according to her, MPSJ has recently set-up a committee to study the issue while on issues of cutting down old trees branches, she agrees to forward these request to Madam Theresa Ratnam Thong, MPSJ Councillor for Subang Jaya. On surfacing of road, these depend on budget allocations as priorities are given for those areas without access road.

About 100 including women and children attended the breaking fast.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Relax and Enjoy
Lesson 1:
Moral of the story:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Moral of the story:
Lesson 4:
Moral of the story:
Lesson 5:
Moral of the story:
Lesson 6:
Morals of the story:
(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut!
Congratulations! !!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Crime Can Happen Anywhere
Kindly note that we cannot verify that this place is actually Swensons in Subang Jaya and confirm such crime has been committed or whether such Polis report have been made. The purposed of this video is to remind the residents to be more alert and careful.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Crimes in USJ
Below are email from SJ Alert on incident happened in USJ for our information.
Evelyn also reports that the house directly opposite hers was broken into.
Please take note that House Break-ins have been on the increase and is the major Crime contributor in Subang Jaya.
According to Polis records:
House Breakin Cases reported at Balai Polis USJ for June/July 2009 only
June July +- % Crime
16 34 +18 +113% Day Time House Breakin
25 29 +4 +16% Night Time House Breakin
Kindly take extra care especially during the coming Festive Holidays.
Inform your neighbours to be more alert, secure your homes properly when you go out even for a short period, if you can install an alarm system all the better.
Remember to register with the Polis if you Balik Kampung during the Hari Raya holiday period.
Resident who are members of the security protocol can also register with our security apart from registering with Polis during hari Raya balik kampong holiday. Special form will be provided by the committee.