Dear Residents
It was a historical day for all of us residents of SS19/1. The inaugural Annual General Meeting for the SS19/1 Residents Association was held on 13th September 2009 at 2.45pm at Surau Al-Ikhlas. The heavy down pour during the meeting failed to dampen the spirit of about 54 members who attended the AGM. All the resolutions and proposals were adopted that includes the Association’s Constitutions, the adoption of Security Protocol as the main purpose of the Association and increase in payment limits for the committees. The AGM also unanimously re-elected the previous Pro Tem committees as the 1st SS19/1 Residents Association Committee Members for 2009/2010 session with all the Pro Tem committee members retained their respective post. The only new post created was Timbalan Yang Di Pertua which was contested with Mr Chin Fook Khiang narrowly beat Mr Lau Eng Dian for the post.

It was also a nostalgic moment for the Pro Tem Committees and the residents of SS19/1 as it was at the same place where the first residents meeting was held on 11st January 2009 to discuss the security issues in SS19/1 and the proposal to form SS19/1 Residents Association. After nearly 8 months, all the hard worked and dedication by the Pro Tem Committees with the support and understanding from the residents, the efforts pays off and now SS19/1 can be proud that we have a legally formed residents association while residents in other location are still struggling to form one. Even critics within our residents then gave the Pro Tem Committees and its security protocol a survival life span of only three months while others skeptic said they will only participate after the formation of the proper RA. But then majority of the residents believed, committed and entrusted the Pro tem committee with these mammoth tasks and today we and they can feels validated.
It will not be complete without mentioning the dedication of some of the residents who have contributed so much for the benefits of the whole residents. I on behalf of the Pro Tem committees would like to thanks Ms. Penny who have worked tirelessly through the duration since the start of security protocol, encouraging residents to join the security protocol and at time she herself has to endures numerous complains and set back. I would also like to thanks Mr. James Ding who have helped and advised the committees on numerous legal issues pertaining to the formation of the RA as well as on the security protocol. There also others who have helped directly and indirectly giving advises and inputs to the formation of the RA and the implementation of the security protocol. Word of appreciations and thanks should also be given to Chief Inspektor Tuan Sulaiman Baputty and Sub Inspektor Tuan Haji Ariffin Abu Seman from Balai Polis Subang Jaya for their support and keeping us update on general security condition in Subang Jaya.
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